Raven CORETAKER Sludge Sampler, 1-piece, 8'

$104.46 | EA
1 – 2$104.46
3 +$99.23
Product #: 700446
Mfr. Part #: B-10104-8

Out of Stock - Ships in 26 Days


The Raven CORETAKER® is a rugged core sampler designed to withstand the rigors of routine usage and float if dropped into a basin. It is uniquely engineered with non-threaded fittings, UV-stable polycarbonate tubes, and UV-stable UHMW black polyethylene fittings. The CORETAKER® shows the operator a cross-section of the clarifier from top to bottom. An automatic check valve allows liquid to enter while being lowered into the tank. The valve automatically shuts when the unit is raised from the tank. The settled sludge blanked is measured and examined for color. The contents can be purged into a bucket for measuring sludge concentration with the Raven Process Centrifuge. The CORETAKER® will become an indispensable part of workflows for: determining primary and secondary clarifier sludge blanket thickness and color; retrieving samples from secondary clarifiers to measure Clarifier Sludge Concentration (CSC); or calculating sludge inventory, detention time, and return sludge flow adjustments.


  • Exclusive UV-stable foam lanyard floats if the unit is accidentally dropped in water

  • Black UV-stable plastic components withstand solar rays

  • Slip-Lock Coupler will not break and has a unique quick assembly and disassembly design

  • Internal O-ring seals prevent leakage and "head drips"

  • Check valve has a positive hydro-lock seal to retain fluid samples

  • Yellow numbered markers on tubes indicate sample depth

  • Polycarbonate clear plastic tubes are durable and rigid