Kationx™ ODR&FOG™ (KCDX™) H2S, Odor & FOG Remover
All-in-one Control for sewer FOG, Odors, & H2S. Safe, simple & easy to use. ODR&FOG (KCDX) is a powerful all-natural lift station post-conditioner that reduces odorous gases in both water and air.
The reduction in harmful noxious gases prevents corrosion, extends the life of the equipment and reduces the need for costly maintenance. ODR&FOG (KCDX) removes and controls H2S and other reactive sewer gases and odors. Post-treatment PPM results are always lower. Safe. Simple. Non-toxic
- Immediately observable results.
- All-in-one sewer cleaner for Odors, H2S, & FOG.
- Used routinely to maintain clean FOG & odor-free sewers.
- Routine use prevents FOG mat formation.
- Effective corrosion control.
- Continues cleaning as it travels downstream.
- Easy to use. Work smarter, not harder.
- Made-in-USA using a US-ONLY supply chain.
Powder Material inside 5 gal bucket.