Honeywell DR4500 Classic 12" Chart Recorders, Two Pen, DR45A2-1100-00-000-E-000000-0
Honeywell’s DR4500 Classic circular-chart recorder is ideal for applications in Wtaer & Waste Water, food, pharmaceuticals, environmental testing and metalworking — wherever measured variables must be documented on a single chart and retained to meet industry requirements. Functionality of the Classic can be expanded by adding control capability. Microprocessor-based and field configurable, the Classic is industrially hardened for use in plant and factory.
- ±0.15% full scale accuracy
- 12" Circular Charts
- Two Pen Dual Input with Totalization
- Grey Door with Glass Window
- Extreme accuracy — Typically less than ±1°F for the usable thermocouple ranges; ±0.1% or better for voltage ranges.
- Field configurable — Chart ranges can be set, and reset, in the field simply by inputting on the keyboard.
- Standard charts — Uses a standard 12-inch chart to record process variables; 5,000 preprinted Honeywell charts are available. Whatever your application, we’ve got the chart
Two Pen & Totalization on inputs 1 & 2
Compliance and Restrictions
Hazardous materials