H-B Enviro-Safe Calibrated Precision Liquid-In-Glass Lab Thermometer, -1 to 61 C

$520.75 | EA
Product #: 700401
Mfr. Part #: 60204-0000

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These calibrated thermometers are EnviroKleen™ certified and feature green, non-toxic, biodegradable, Enviro-Safe® liquid against lead-free, white back glass.


  • Includes an individual Thermometer Calibration Report stating corrections to one-tenth of the smallest division, unique report number and NIST standards used for the calibration

  • Meet government, education, and industry mandates to purchase “Green products

  • Ideal for use in chemical/petrochemical laboratories, universities, scientific institutions, food and beverage processing, pharmaceutical and medical industries, dairies, breweries and distilleries

  • Individually serialized

  • Made in the USA