H-B Easy-Read Individually Calibrated Liquid-In-Glass Lab Thermometer, 6 Cal Points, -20 to 110°C
These calibrated thermometers are EnviroKleen™ certified and feature nontoxic, biodegradable, Enviro-Safe® liquid. Environmentally safe thermometers meet government, education, and industry mandates to purchase “green products. The included individualized Thermometer Calibration Report states corrections to one-tenth of the smallest division, unique report number and NIST standards used for calibration ensuring the accuracy of the thermometer. Range is -20 to 110 degrees Celsius; Length is 297 mm; Calibration Points are 0, 4, 20, 37, 44.5, and 103 degrees Celsius; Immersion is 76 mm.
- EnviroKleen™ certified
- Non-toxic, biodegradable, Enviro-Safe® liquid, against lead-free, yellow back glass provides easy readability and fewer reading errors
- Individually serialized
- Made in the USA
Laminated report of calibration traceable to NIST, suspension ring and storage container.